You are probably well aware of the high cost of health care insurance these days. Even if your employer pays for all or most of your health care insurance, you have undoubtedly seen those deductions going up, the co-pays getting higher, while the overall quality of the health care has not improved significantly. A large portion of this is because of the number of drugs and chemicals that are prescribed for even the most minor of ailments, and the costs of those prescription drugs is stratospheric and getting higher all the time.
So what can you do about it$%: One of the things you should seriously consider in order to keep costs under control is Natural Remedies. These are remedies that have been around for hundreds or even thousands of years. Remember, people way back then had many of these same ailments that you are dealing with, and they needed some way to cope with them and alleviate the pain. The very interesting thing about this is that most of these natural health remedies can be found as OTC (Over The Counter) medications that do not require a doctor's prescription, and many have been found to be equally as effective (or even more effective) than their prescription high-priced counterparts.
You may need to visit a health food store to find some things, but you can be assured that the cost is going to be a very pleasant surprise, compared to what you pay for their prescription equivalents, and they do not contain nearly as many (or any at all) nasty side effects. For example, if you have a migraine, you may have read the warnings on the prescription medication, something about "may cause vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness, diarrhea, and/or cravings for artichokes". So let's look at this - by solving one problem, I am introducing five others$%: No thank you, I would rather stick with the migraine.
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Natural remedies are there to resolve a myriad of different problems. And instead of nasty side effects, natural remedies can produce some POSITIVE side effects. For example, some natural remedies for headaches will also produce better blood flow and make the delivery of oxygen to the cells of the body more efficient. If you suffer from insomnia, you are probably taking some kind of medication just so that you can get some rest at night so that you are not totally toasted at work and can be functional. But you should know that the natural remedy Valerian is non-toxic as well as providing a much improved quality of sleep at night.
One of the bigger problems of today's adolescent is acne. While there are a ton of OTC and prescription cures, almost all of these are topical meaning that they affect only the surface of the skin. There are several natural remedies that work on the topical as well as the part of the problem, and many have found that these are incredibly effective as an acne cure.
Some natural remedies contain herbal ingredients which act to stimulate the brain, and have been found to be effective in fighting Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). For more information on ADD and ADHD, please visit .
Do not dismiss natural remedies and herbal remedies simply because they have existed for a long time or because they do not use prescription drugs. In many cases, the natural remedy is just as effective as the prescription remedy, and even more so. And in almost all cases, the natural remedy is going to be much nicer to your wallet.
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